Saturday, February 20, 2010

One Love Festival/Caregivers' Cup Patient Empowerment Event

Sunday, Feb. 21, 2010
4:00 pm til 10:00 pm
Oriental Theater
4335 W 44th Ave
Denver, CO

The Colorado Cannabis Caregivers' Cup is a fun and humorous competition among legal patients and caregivers to see who has cultivated the "best" medicine. This competition will take place in conjunction with the "One Love, People Get Ready" entertainment event at the Oriental Theatre, sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Caregivers Cooperative. So, in addition to getting to see some of Colorado's best medicines, you will get to hear great music, speakers and meet a lot of other patients and caregivers.

If you are proud of your garden. here are the rules:
1) You must be a legal Colorado patient or caregiver.
2) A $50 donation or equivalent raffle items will be requested for your entry.
3) You must provide 28 grams of your medicine in a glass jar. All medicine will be photographed, so pick your most photogenic buds. Medicine will not be returned but will be donated to needy patients.
4) Entries must be received between 4:00pm and 5:00pm at the Oriental Theatre on Feb. 21.
5) Each medicine jar must have a label which includes:
Name: Cultivator's name as they would like to be credited publicly.
Method grown:
Indoor or outdoor:
Elevation grown:
Organic or non-organic:
Medicinal testimonials: What conditions does this strain work well for?

Judging: The judges will be all the legal patients at the event. To be a patient-judge, we are requesting a $25 donation. Each patient will be given a scorecard. Since different cannabis strains are used to treat so many different conditions, judging the "best" medicine would be impossible. Therefore, we will judge the medicine based on aesthetic properties. Awards will be given in these categories: Most Photogenic, Best Aroma and the coveted Patient's Choice Award.

The winner of the Patient's Choice Award will win an APPLE IPAD (suggested retail $499.)

Want to table at the event? Click here to submit an application.

Medicine-dispensing and medicine-combustion will not be allowed at this event. However, the Rocky Mountain Caregivers Cooperative will have vaporizers available for legal patients and "pot luck" food contributions will be donated to share.

Please note: This is a private, not a public, event. Access is limited only to legal patients and caregivers showing positive, affirmative defense as provided by the Colorado Department of Health Medical Marijuana Registry, as well as accompanying state-issued photo identification at the door. This is solely an educational gathering. Absolutely no medication will be dispensed on site. Rules prohibit any discussion of specific instances of securing medication with "no drug dealing" allowed in "any way, shape or form" onsite during this event. We reserve the right to refuse entry to this private gathering.

This event is sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Caregivers Cooperative.

All proceeds will go to support the Rocky Mountain Caregivers Cooperative and the fight against repressive legislation that would deny safe access to medicine for patients.

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