Thursday, April 15, 2010

NORML Remembers ‘The Hemperor’ Jack Herer


NORML is saddened to report the passing of Jack Herer, the founder of the modern day hemp movement. Jack suffered a heart attack after speaking at last year’s Portland Hempstalk event, and had been in a physician-induced coma for several days afterward. The past seven months have been a struggle to recover for Jack – he awakened from the coma and had been making progress in regaining his health. Friends and family confirm that Herer, known throughout the world as ‘The Hemperor,’ passed away on Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 11:07am Pacific Time in Eugene, Oregon. He was 70 years old.

Jack began his cannabis activism in earnest in the early 1970s when he “swore to work every day until pot was legal, … or [he] turned 84.” Throughout the next ten years he led several statewide marijuana legalization efforts on west coast, primarily in California and Oregon.

Jack received worldwide attention in recognition in the late 1980s and early 1990s for the publication of his seminal work, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, which has now sold over 600,000 copies — making it the most widely read marijuana law reform title ever published. The book’s tagline, “How hemp can still save the world,” introduced hundreds of thousands of activists to the environmental and industrial uses of cannabis, which in turn relaunched the modern day hemp movement and global hemp industry. While researching his book, Jack unearthed a copy of the long-lost United States Department of Agriculture film, “Hemp for Victory,” which documented the federal government’s previous support for domestic hemp cultivation.

Jack’s dedication to cannabis activism was the subject of the 1989 film documentary, The Emperor of Hemp. Shortly following the release of the film, Jack suffered a stroke, which temporarily limited his speech and mobility. However, by mid-2000 Herer appeared to have made almost a full recovery from his illness, a feat he credited to the power of hemp’s therapeutic properties.

Today Jack’s name and memory lives on in the hemp activism of the millions who were influenced by his words and passion. The popular cannabis strain Jack Herer also bears his name.

NORML expresses its sincere condolences to the friends and family of Jack Herer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Denver's 3rd Annual 4/20 Rally

We are proud to announce that Allen St. Pierre The Executive Director of NORML and the NORML Foundation has agreed to spend the 4/20 Cannabis Holiday in Denver giving the keynote speech for us at the 3rd Annual Denver 4/20 Rally in Civic Center Park! Read more below in this weeks NORML's E-Zine!


Denver 4/20 Rally Fundraising Party At Casselman's! Help Fund A History-Making 4/20 Political Rally To End Prohibition!

Dear NORML Supporters in Colorado,

There will soon be more than just the smell of spring in the air on the Front Range! In just a few weeks there will be the smell of personal freedom at America's largest pro-cannabis law reform rally on 4/20!

I'm looking forward to joining the masses and speaking at this year's historic event in the state that has embraced cannabis law reform faster and stronger than any state in the last decade. The explosive growth in the popularity of Colorado's medical cannabis laws can and should be celebrated on what has virtually become a nationally recognized holiday for cannabis consumers.

Putting on massive rallies obviously takes a lot of resources and commitment from dedicated women and men who support the underlying social cause. The 4/20 rally costs a significant amount of money to properly stage, make secure, safe and clean, rent port-o-potties, promote, etc...

You can directly fund this year's 4/20 rally in Denver—the nation's largest 4/20 political rally—by attending a well-planned and exciting fundraising event at Casselman's in Denver on Friday night, April 9.

Admission costs are low ($5 for patients, $10 for non-patients) and part of the proceeds also help fund Mile High NORML's cannabis law reform advocacy efforts.

Enjoy the great entertainment at the 4/20 Rally Fundraiser this Friday and I'll see you on 4/20 in Denver.

Thanks, as always, for caring and sharing!

Kind regards,

Allen St. Pierre
Executive Director
Washington, D.C.
NORML and the NORML Foundation: 1600 K Street NW, Suite 501, Washington DC, 20006-2832 Tel: (202) 483-5500 • Fax: (202) 483-0057 • Email:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 2nd and 3rd 2010: Colorado Cannabis Convention

Tickets are still on sale for only $15. This event is open to the public and there will be no medicine allowed on site.